Dear special needs mama, it won’t always be this way ❤️
You won’t always be kept up in the middle of the night by beeping machines.
You won’t be pumping milk around the clock to provide those precious antibodies.
You won’t break down every time your child has a therapy visit because things are just so overwhelming.
You won’t live in constant fear that every time they sneeze or sniffle it will take you back to the PICU.
I can’t tell you when it will change or how it will get better. But it will. Every day won’t be filled with fears of impending doom. And slowly over time they will be replaced with HOPE and so much joy ❤️
There will still be times when the wind will feel sucked from your sails but there is always hope for better days ahead. If you are in the trenches or in turmoil with your child’s health right now I promise that I understand the fears, the sleepless nights, the anxiety. I know what it feels like to not be able to take a deep breath.
I just want you know, that I see You. I see the fight, I see the hard work, I see everything you are doing. You are never alone, my DMs are always open ❤️ and I am praying for better days ahead for you ❤️ 🙏🏻
For additional support when parenting children with special needs, check out these free resources:
special needs mother support, special needs mom, parenting children with special needs, overcoming fear and anxiety, coping with child's health challenges, finding hope and joy, supporting mothers in the trenches, empowering special needs moms