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Finding Your Groove

Staying motivated and overcoming challenges
Sara England Wellness Team Photo

I know you have heard it before; “make sure to take care of you” …. And if you are like most moms you immediately think “HOW”... “I have NO time” - I totally understand! We are going to talk about staying motivated and overcoming the challenges that hinder us being able to exercise regularly! Exercise is crucial for moms caring for children with special needs. It promotes physical well-being by increasing strength and flexibility, which is essential for providing physical care to our children. It also has a positive impact on our emotional well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. I can attest to this first hand! Exercise has been a marjor stress reliever and energy booster, offering a much-needed break from daily grind of my heavy responsibilities.

Sara England Wellness Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated

I know you are chronically tired, and overwhelmed, you never ever get a break and someone says to you-go exercise! It makes you laugh right?! All of these tips are easier said than done- but as someone who has walked this walk (and is currently in the trenches with you)- here are things I have done that help me stay motivated and encouraged to overcome the daily challenges of this!

  • Set Clear Goals: I cannot tell you how important it is as a special needs moms to have a GOAL! We write IEP goals for our kids so often- but when was the last time you set a goal for yourself?! I want you to think of 3 things you want to work on- 3 goals you can work towards!! It’s so much easier to show up when we are working towards something! This could be related to weight loss, strength, or overall well-being.

  • Track Progress: Try using a fitness journal (did you know I made a fitness journal?! You can find it here) or app to track workouts, measurements, and any improvements. Seeing progress can be highly motivating. I use my Bodi app every day to log my workout, water and meals! I love checking a box- makes me feel so accomplished!

  • Find an Accountability Partner: There’s a reason why accountability is the secret sauce to showing up..when you surround yourself with women who are also living the life you are living- and y’all are both showing up- it’s so empowering! Another mom working through her hard is so inspiring to everyone around her! This accountability can keep you motivated.

There’s a mom in my community who has a child going through chemo and when she shows up- it inspires all of us to do the same! If she can do it- so can we! The power of community is REAL!

Overcoming Challenges
  • “When do I have the time” I know TIME is a big hindrance and when Sam was sick and things were really overwhelming- I would just do 20 minutes! And before you discount a 20 minute workout- I promise you, try either one of these and you will be shocked at how good of a workout you can get in 20-25 minutes!! Any minutes are better than NO minutes! SO start small!

  • “My schedule is unpredictable” I know that not every day can be the same and you never know when you will get the time. Things that worked for me were acknowledging that some days, life was just going to be that way. Knowing this ahead of time, if the “workout time” I had got taken over by something else, I just would take a deep breath and say Okay, when can I fit it in now… By being flexible and adaptable you are able to overcome those schedule changes and not let them defeat you! This is why my on-demand workouts work so well for me and our life- it fits my schedule, not the other way around. You can try it out here - you can also get on youtube or another workout app and find some movement to do when you have the time!

Sara England Wellness Sam and Sara in Gym

I want you to try some reframes for me real quick:

  1. 'Taking time for me is selfish' ➡️ I deserve the time it takes to do something for my own well-being and in turn I am a better wife and mother for my children.

  2. 'I am too stressed to add one more thing to my plate' ➡️ Try viewing stress as a challenge NOT a barrier. Think of exercise as a way to work through your stress, overwhelm and anxiety- not a reason to not do it!. By doing this, it makes you more resilient!

  3. 'If I can’t do it perfectly then why bother' ➡️ movement is movement! Let’s drop the narrative that exercise looks the same for everyone because it doesn’t! I want you to try to let go of unrealistic expectations. It's okay to have days when workouts are shorter or when walking is all you can do!. Imperfection is part of life, and you should celebrate ANY effort you put forth (just like we do for our kids!)

These mindset reframes can help you navigate the challenges of stress and exercise with a healthier perspective, ultimately making exercise an even more effective tool for stress relief and overall well-being.

Stress Relief Through Exercise

We are stressed about fitting in exercise, but did you know that exercise is a natural stress reliever because it triggers the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that create a sense of well-being and reduce stress. Endorphins make you happy 🤩 When you engage in physical activity, you experience the following stress-relief mechanisms:

Sara England Wellness On Stage BODi
  • Reduced Cortisol Levels: Exercise helps lower cortisol levels, which is the body's stress hormone. Lower cortisol levels can lead to a calmer and more relaxed state of mind.

  • Distraction: Physical activity provides a healthy distraction from daily worries and responsibilities, allowing you to focus on the present moment and put aside stressors.

  • Sense of Accomplishment: Completing a workout or achieving fitness goals can boost self-esteem and create a sense of accomplishment, reducing stress and boosting self-confidence!

  • Improved Sleep: Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, which is essential for stress management. Better sleep leads to a more resilient and better-prepared mindset to face daily challenges.

Celebrating Small Wins

This seems so simple and yet it is so hard for us to acknowledge our wins! Why is that?! I know a lot of this is back to how we were raised and the things we were taught about self-care and our own well-being. But today- I want you to write down what you are proud of! We do this all the time for our kids, yet it feels impossible for us as moms…. WHY! We need to be better at celebrating ourselves!

I want you to start recognizing your achievements! I want you to celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. Every step counts! I want you to celebrate yourself, the same way you celebrate your child!

Recognition is one of the reasons why I love my groups so much- because I am able to be the person that roots for someone else- recognizing those efforts and supporting them! I am a BIG believer in rewards 😂 I will 100% workout for a new cute workout outfit! What are you motivated by?! Use that as a reward to stick to your new habits! Set up a rewards system for reaching your wellness milestones. It could be something as simple as treating themselves to a manicure or to a new pair of sneakers!

I hope this blog post equipped you with practical strategies to maintain (or start) your healthy habits and inspired you to commit to your health and well-being, despite the unique challenges you face every single day! If you are looking for more support in starting your fitness journey - fill out this form and so we can chat more!

You got this! Sara

Special needs moms, Overcoming challenges, Fitness journey, Self-care for moms, Stress relief, Motivation tips, Celebrate small wins, Exercise benefits, Wellness milestones, Unique challenges


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